Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Big Four

One of the more beneficial parts from reading "Share This" is part 3. This section of the book is the most helpful in my life and holds the most significance. Part 3 of "Share This" explains the major social media networks and how a company could use them to its best advantage.

The first social media site the book discusses is Facebook. I personally use Facebook in my daily life and I know it is a growing presence in the business world. The book says that companies should use Facebook to amplify messages, build communities and engage with fans. Evaluation is still important when using Facebook and there are three tiers to evaluation; those include conversation triggers, conversations created and conversation outcomes. Facebook strategies are helpful for companies to build a network and promote a product.

The second social media site the book discusses in Twitter. Twitter is an easier and faster way for a business to spread information and engage the community. Twitter is different from Facebook in that it is easier to favorite and retweet. People are more engaged and tags allow users to connect with other users. Twitter allows companies to spread news quickly to a large number of people.

The third social media site the book discusses is LinkedIn. This site is a more professional network for companies to use. I have a LinkedIn account and I used it to find a job over the summer. LinkedIn allows people to share their skills and experiences with potential employers. Companies can utilize LinkedIn to find employees and to spread information about new ideas or job opportunities.

The final social media site in Google+, but I feel that this site is not a helpful one to use. We discussed that no one uses Google+ and it isn't moving forward in the social media world.

Reading "Share This" has helped me understand how social media can be used to benefit a company and the employees within that company.

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