Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pinterest, Twitter and Snapchat, oh my!

I bought my first smartphone about 10 months ago and filled my storage space with as many apps as I could, both useful and not. Many of the apps I downloaded were social media type apps, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Tumblr. Since then, I have added Yik Yak and Timehop to the mix. Why do I have all of these social media apps? Do I need every single one of them? How did I get started on so many different networks?

My experience with social media began with MySpace, much like everyone else from my generation. I remember faking my age to be able to create a profile and always forgetting how old I made myself when I forgot my password. That was the coolest thing of the time and the biggest decision I had to make was who to put as my 'Top Friends.' Like most trends, MySpace died out and is now used mostly for music. I logged on for the first time in years and I found things had changed quite a bit:

The time of social media is now and we use social media to carry out the majority of our daily conversations with our friends. I currently use Facebook, Timehop and Instagram daily to communicate with my friends. That leaves Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, Yik Yak and Snapchat on my phone for no reason. Why do I feel compelled to keep these apps around? Don't get me wrong, I check these places every now and then, but probably not as much as I should.

My goal is to get more out of my social media practices. I have all the resources, but I feel that I am not utilizing them well. Does that mean I need to post more updates and network myself more? Maybe. I guess that's something I need to work on. Social media sites can be a little overwhelming, but I want to master them and use them to my best advantage. My objective is to use all of my social media apps more to improve my overall image. I don't need a million followers, but I want to at least have a profile with current posts. If I can't complete this task in a month or two, I might as well delete my accounts and forget I even had them.

Feel free to follow me on all of my social media outlets and help encourage me to achieve my goal!
Twitter: @MichelleHaver
Instagram: @meeshell36
Snapchat: myshell36

1 comment:

  1. I kid you not I was just about to write something similar to this. I have so many networks I don't really use and I have the same dilemma, I don't really use them but I don't want to delete them either. I think I'm going to choose a few networks to focus on rather than trying to engage in several networks at all once. I wish you luck in mastering the social media landscape!
