Friday, September 5, 2014

Not Enough to Do

The first weeks of classes are over and everyone is now getting settled into their schedules. Various sports and organizations are beginning to meet and plan their events for the year. Welcome Fest, Ohio Northern's activities fair, was a couple weekends ago and there was a wide variety of clubs and sports and musical groups for all to join. Last year, I remember signing up for as many things as I could, but I sadly did not follow through with many of them.

This year at Welcome Fest, I signed up for fewer clubs. The emails have started to file into my inbox and I write the meeting dates into my planner and wait for the day to arrive. 

Even though I have signed up for some activities, I feel somewhat empty; almost as if there is more I can be doing. I want to be active in more organizations, but I'm not sure that makes sense for me. My sorority emphasizes participation in other organizations, and I think I am involved on campus, however, when I write down what I actually am participating in, I realize there is not much on my list.

Why do I feel the need to push myself into campus organizations? I am currently enrolled in 18 credit hours of classes, I have a campus job as a Math/Stat tutor and I am actively involved in my sorority. Is there more I can do to fill my time? Of course there is, but I feel overwhelmed already.

I am hoping that working towards leadership roles in my current organizations will fill the empty feeling I have. I want to feel accomplished after this year, not stressed out about all of the activities I have to keep track of. Here's to my round two at ONU; may my sophomore year bring more memories and good times.

1 comment:

  1. You are more than welcome to come to our PRSSA meetings on thursday nights at 7. We typically have a guest speaker coming in and talking about how PR/social media plays into their job.
