Friday, December 19, 2014

Home for the Holidays

Exams and classes are finally over, and it is time to just relax, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the holiday season. Tonight is my first night home since Thanksgiving break three weeks ago. Being able to eat a nice dinner with my family makes me happy and I realize how much I truly miss seeing them. The best feeling in the world will be sleeping with my puppy tonight :)

I have a lot of hope for this three week winter break. Not only will I be catching up with friends and family, I am hoping to change my lifestyle habits. I have discussed my New Year's resolutions, but I want to start now. My goal is to go back to ONU more in shape and with healthy habits. The first goal is completing the "30-Day Shred" by Jillian Michaels. I have started this program but I never finished, and I plan to finish this time. I need to finish. Eating healthy is extremely important, especially in college, and I'm planning to make a change in the way I eat and actually considering what I put into my body.

I'm ready to bring in the new year with some ongoing goals and I'm going to try my hardest to follow through. Keep an eye out for update post!

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