Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Employees Matter

This week in Social Media Principles, we discussed chapters 9 and 10 from "Measure What Matters." Chapter 10 brings measurement back to home base and talks about how employees play a major part in improving a company. I found particulate interest in this chapter because we have mainly discussed the customers or the audience, rather than the workers behind the magic.

There are six steps to measure relationships with different communities: measurable goals, understand the environment, who and what are your benchmarks, audience priorities, choose measurement tools and analyze data to improve business. Chapter 10 explains these six steps in terms of the employees of a company. These steps are essential to growth in any company.

Conducting a base measurement is essential to see what changes need to be made and the information is used in the future to determine if changes have occurred. A company must find out what channels its employees are using and what is important to them. The employees are necessary for a company to be successful and if employees are not buying into the idea, neither will the customers.

Success needs to be defined for all measurement tools. Defining a goal is a good way to make sure everyone is on board and committed to work toward improvement. Once data is collected, it must be analyzed and a plan needs to be set to make a change in the company. If you ask your employees to answer some survey questions, they will expect to hear the results and for change to happen.

Chapter 10 hits on a topic that is usually not covered: the employees. You can't forget about the people that help your company run smoothly and increase sales from within the company's walls!

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