Saturday, September 20, 2014

The College Experience

College is a life changing experience. You just turn 18 years old and you are thrown out on your own in a world that isn't necessarily the 'real world,' but your parents expect you to be an adult. Attending any college can be the most intimidating time in a person's life. I experienced the shock of the college culture last year as a freshman at Ohio Northern University.

Of course, I knew a few things to expect: the drinking, staying up way to late, getting yourself to classes, trying to make new friends and participating in different activities. It's not high school anymore, and people are fairly open about their lives. I came into college with an expectation, but that expectation was definitely exceeded. 

It's honestly hour and I would like to share my experience and thoughts on the 'College Experience.'

When I arrived on campus, I was excited and nervous for my opening weekend. Anyone who knows me understands that I am shy when you first meet me, but I become outgoing when you give me some time. I was matched with a random roommate and we had messaged each other over the summer to talk about who would bring the fridge and microwave. I thought I would at least have my roommate as my friend.

Opening weekend came and I attended every event, but my Orientation Leader was not welcoming and obviously had her favorites. I made friends with one girl in my group, but that friendship did not last. We parted ways after we went through Greek recruitment and ended up in different sororities.

My roommate, as mentioned earlier, was the person I expected to be my first friend on campus, but that was not the case. We were civil with each other, but we never became friends. She found her group and I was left to try to find mine. My old roommate moved out of our room two weeks later and I was left alone.

During this time, I decided I would try Greek life. I have always been interested in joining a sorority but I was scared about the stereotypes. I found my home with Alpha Xi Delta and I found my best friends along the way. For the first time, I didn't feel alone and I was happy. 

Shortly after joining my sorority, I attended my first party and I had fun. I was offered a drink or two, but I politely turned them down and continued to have fun with my friends. 

Everything was beginning to take a turn for the better and I was in a good place. My best friend moved into my room after her own problems with her roommate. The rest of my freshman year included me finding who I was and growing up into who I am today. 

Although my college experience did not start off on the best foot, I ended my freshman year with more knowledge and hope for a great second year at Ohio Northern University. I am emphasizing that this is my college experience.

As I expected, going to college also meant going to college parties. I have personally attended my share of parties over the past year and I have seen things I cannot write about in this blog, but I'm sure you can use your imagination. Parties are sometimes synonymous with drinking, but I can happily say that I have never even taken a sip of anything alcoholic. I honestly do not plan to drink until I turn 21, but there are some people that do not agree with my decision. I can't count the number of times I have been asked why I don't drink. I will respond with my reason and they criticize me and tell me, "but it's part of the college experience." No, I'm sorry, but drinking is not part of my college experience. 

Now I am a sophomore at Ohio Northern and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me. I hope my experience continues to cause me to grow in every way possible. I know I will not be the same person in a year, but I hope to be a better version of myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,
    I really enjoyed reading about your idea of the "college experience." I too found the high school to college transition terrifying. Finding the right group of friends takes time, but is definitely worth it in the end. I, too, felt that finding the right group of people helped my college transition the most. Also, I seriously commend you for not falling into the peer pressure of drinking in college. That is a great moral to stand by and I think it is great that you have stuck to your views!
