Sunday, August 31, 2014

"What are you planning to do with that?"

My desire to go into the mathematics field began when I was in seventh grade. While most people change their minds about what they want to do when they grow up, this idea has stuck with me. I absolutely love mathematics and statistics. As you read this, your face is probably making the same expression that people do when I tell them I'm a math major. Please do not write me off as crazy just yet, I promise I am not nuts.

My official 'declared' major is mathematics, with advanced mathematical studies, and a minor in applied statistics. I can honestly say that I do not know what I want to do after graduation. Yes, I have ideas, but I am struggling to choose what is best for me.

Ohio Northern has helped me realize that I am in the right place. The professors in the math department are knowledgeable and I enjoy sitting in their classes -- well, most of them. I am one of four (I think) math majors in my class, which makes me confident I will find a job after I graduate.

The mathematics field is open and there are many possibilities for me, but the only thing I know for sure is that I love math and I want to be doing math for the rest of my life.


  1. I think you've made an excellent choice to pursue what you love. I'm glad you love it, because someone needs to enjoy it. My ACT/GRE scores signify that I am far from love status, not even like status.

  2. Michelle, I love the humor you worked into your blog. I too am in the same boat of not knowing what I want to do after college. I like your confidence in knowing that you are on the right track though. It helps provide motivation to someone like me. Thank you for that.
